Blog Posts

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Manifest V3 progress

 A quick update.

Currently SimpleExtManager has the most progress in the Manifest V3 update.
Perhaps I can release within the year? Hope.

But I urge all SEM users to backup your extension groups as the transition to the new update may not be smooth. Backup to file, screenshot group details etc.

Will post again when I have further updates.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Manifest V3...

So its finally coming.

I have been working on it on and off.
The new coding style required is extremely unintuitive so progress is very slow.

Working on SimpleExtManager.
Not ready yet, can't say when I will put it out.
Will announce on this blog when ready. 

Sunday, June 13, 2021

SimpleTabOrder 0.5.16

Probably the final update concerning the V91 bug.
Implemented the timeout workaround in the bug report.

Now the tab move inconsistency is fixed too.

Luckily its a quick fix.
Bug is fixed for V92, so all other affected extensions should work again when it go stable next month.

Friday, June 11, 2021

SimpleTabOrder 0.5.15

Another bug fix release.

Went deeper into the open at further right inconsistency problem of Kyle Collins.
Not really sure is it V91 or my miss as I can't remember if it was working ok before.

First I notice the inconsistency only when the tab close option is set to default.
Found that in the code if tab close is set to default will result in saving a value as 'undefined'.
Wrapped that code in a checking if block to not do that block for tab close default.
Seems to be working right now. 

Tab Groups I'm not so sure about this.

Moving tabs, this one I'm looking into next.